Friday, August 31, 2012

Style, Not Fashion

One of our fellow Twitter friends said he loved the new J. Hilburn fall lookbooks. He also said to me, "My motto is style, not fashion."

I asked him to elaborate. "Style is personal and continual. Fashion is an industry and temporary."

Do you agree?

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Best Blacksmith In Town

In addition to most aspects in life, being able to "roll with the punches" during a career search can give you a great advantage.
Attitudes have changed dramatically. Expectations have changed as well. Going to work to simply pay the bills is not a typical agenda anymore. Employees want job satisfaction. People soul search with regard to job search. They attend special classes and seminars and they hire employment counselors and headhunters. They hire image consultants to alter or polish the impression they make. The hire agents to locate the "perfect" job situation, something that means more to them than simply punching in and punching out. A career with benefits. A career with a future.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

J. Hilburn Fall 2012 Preview

Fall items are here! All new fabrics, colors, and ready to wear items will be available September 1st and can be ordered by appointment now.

Here are a couple sneak peak photos, but you can see many more outfits in the album here.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Are We All Braggarts Now?

"Friends, family and co-workers: I think you're fabulous—just not quite as fabulous as you think you are."

You have to check out this article on the Wall Street Journal, "Are We All Braggarts Now?" because it's absolutely spot on. Give it a look and tell me what you thought! 

Saturday, August 18, 2012

RELAX, it's Saturday

The weekend is here, are you still working?

Read this article by Corbett Barr called "Taking a Break From Being a Workoholic- Here are 7 Ways" and see if you can use a tip or two.

Here's a good one to start with, "Whatever the characteristics, it’s mentally and physically unhealthy to work all the time. Most everyone takes regular days off. You should too."

Enjoy the weekend.

Friday, August 17, 2012

J. Hilburn Contrast Stitching

Look what a difference contrast stitching can make... With J.Hilburn you can customize your shirts to add that pop of color and individuality.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

"I'll Have What She's Having"

Dear Impress Express,
I don't know if "the grass is always greener," but I've been working a typical 9 to 5 office job (in management) for the past 8 years and am ready for a change. I know several people working in the restaurant industry and they seem much less stressed than I am. Before I make such a drastic career move, what steps do you recommend I take to find out if this is the right move for me?
Signed, "I'll Have What She's Having ..."
Dear "I'll Have...,"
First of all, you get an A+ for recognizing that you should do some research before jumping right in to a new career. All too often, when people get fed up with their job, they jump ship, which almost always forces them to take the next job that comes along.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


J. Hilburn featured in the Union Tribune!

Custom clothing startups win shoppers, venture funding by trimming costs, shipping straight from factory to customers

“J. Hilburn will sell shirts that are made out of the same fabric mill in Italy that a Zegna would sell at Neiman Marcus for $300,” said Brian O’Malley, a partner at Battery Ventures, an investor in the startup, which has raised about $12 million. “They can sell that same shirt totally custom-made for the customer for less, and do that still with healthy margins because there are a lot less middlemen along the way who need to get paid.”

Read the whole article here

Monday, August 13, 2012

Thursday, August 9, 2012

This Embarrasses You and I*

Here's a great article from The Wall Street Journal. The most important thing to take from the story is,

"Managers are fighting an epidemic of grammar gaffes in the workplace. Many of them attribute slipping skills to the informality of email, texting and Twitter where slang and shortcuts are common. Such looseness with language can create bad impressions with clients, ruin marketing materials and cause communications errors."

Read the article here, and tell me what you think!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

J. Hilburn Ties

Your choice of tie says a lot about your sense of style. J. Hilburn pairs the best in raw materials with unbeatable handcraftsmenship to bring you the ties that make you, you. 

Contact me to find out more...

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

E-Fresher Course

Every so often clients ask about the protocol or etiquette with regard to email correspondence. Like the words we speak, electronic mail is an incredibly powerful and effective means of communication. The rules are constantly evolving. So it's time for a refresher course. Or more precisely, an "e-fresher" course in "netiquette."

We love the ease and comfort of using email, but an overwhelming number of you find the comfort level a bit disconcerting. In an informal survey, I asked people how they felt about email correspondence in general and what, specifically, was really bothersome to them. There were many concerns and complaints, and overall there was a consistent desire for courtesy. Here, in no particular order are some of their responses.