Monday, July 30, 2012

How Swearing at Work Could Ruin Your @%*! Career

"Employees may want to invest in a bar of soap.  New research has found that 64 percent of employers think less of employees who swear at work and 57 percent said they would be less likely to promote a worker who swears in the office."

Do you agree? Read the whole article from the Fox Small Business Center and see what you think.

Monday, July 23, 2012

A Custom Fit

These are the words we never get tired of hearing ... Derek says we exceeded his expectations for his first J. Hilburn purchase. He was thrilled to hear we are now making formal wear. Why? Because he just got engaged! Congratulations to Derek and Mindy!

Friday, July 20, 2012

National Lollipop Day

Who knew there was a national day of recognition for lollipops? See's Candies is celebrating by giving away their gourmet lollipops across the US. 
They are also attempting to break the Guinness World Record by creating the world's largest lollipop. 

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Lady Gaga's Fragrance Ad

You can't expect any less from Lady Gaga as the first ad for her new fragrance Fame features. . . man thongs.

Tiny little men wearing thongs adorn her naked body, and this is just the beginning! Her new fragrance ads will continue to roll out and we'll just have to wait to see what's next.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Friday, July 13, 2012

Kenton Magazine: J. Hilburn Feature

I wanted to reblog this great article by Kenton Magazine. Enjoy!

Look Sharp, Spend Less: Suit Up with J.Hilburn

"Gentlemen, we are proud to announce that more prayers have been answered in the world of men’s fashion. Those frustrating days of visiting your favorite luxury brand stores only to find that the fitting of the suits are not compatible with your unique frame are finally coming to an end. With increasingly more customizable options in the growing menswear department today comes superior, diverse suiting alternatives for the modern metrosexual man.